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      中廣網(wǎng) 2010-04-27




        Voice of China-News Radio



        Voice of China, China’s premier brand of news broadcasting, is the most authoritative comprehensive news channel in China. Voice of China is the most influential comprehensive news channel in China with the longest history and highest creditability. It airs continuously for 24 hours daily with over 2000 frequencies of FM and mid-wave or short wave to cover the whole country seamlessly. Three integrated news blocks respectively in the morning, noon and evening run like a “rotary table” in a cycle of half an hour inserted with authority comments on special programmes, which are powered with excellent talents of reporting and editing and sources of news comments. Voice of China is the principal channel for audience in China to get news and information.

      來源:中國廣播網(wǎng)    責編:張璇

      中央臺簡介 | 網(wǎng)站簡介 | 廣告服務 | 招聘信息 | 互聯(lián)網(wǎng)視聽節(jié)目服務自律公約 | 版權聲明
      通信地址:北京復興門外大街2號 中國廣播網(wǎng) 郵編:100866
      客服熱線:010-86093114 400-668-0040 傳真:010-63909751
      網(wǎng)上傳播視聽節(jié)目許可證號 0102002
      中央人民廣播電臺 版權所有(C) 京ICP證090147號
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        荔波县| 林芝县| 军事| 岗巴县| 孝感市| 沈丘县| 扶风县| 寻甸| 灵寿县| 晴隆县| 诸城市| 黔西| 云霄县| 兴文县| 霍林郭勒市| 宾川县| 永泰县| 容城县| 深泽县| 沙雅县| 陇西县| 友谊县| 高雄市| 新竹市| 砚山县| 获嘉县| 隆昌县| 高阳县| 林西县| 绥江县| 贞丰县| 大邑县| 平塘县| 长宁县| 临清市| 慈利县| 从化市| 安顺市| 葫芦岛市| 青田县| 武功县| http://444 http://444 http://444